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Missions & Outreach

Rockville supports many missions in our community  through gifts and the service of individual members. We encourage everyone to find a place to serve and bless others that best fits their gifts.



Angel Tree

We partner with the Salvation Army annually and provide Christmas gifts to children

Contact: Loretta Fehr | 301-340-7422

Boy Scouts of America

We host Cub Scout Pack 928 and Boy Scout Troop 447. 

Contact: Charles Griffiths | 240-672-4503

Community Reach of Montgomery County

We partner with this multi-congregational group through ministries such as the Jefferson House,

Elderly Ministries, and Latino outreach 

Contact | Loretta Fehr | 301-279-7962


We currently support two missionaries serving the Lord by spreading the good news about Jesus, and simply offering assistance where it is needed overseas and in the U.S.

United Methodist Women's Missionaries Support Contact: Lorraine Sparrow | 301-963-4755

Learn more about our missionaries here















Rockville HELP

We have a strong partnership with this multi-congregational organization that provides financial aid for utilities, rent, prescriptions, and emergency food for Rockville residents seeking assistance. Volunteers are always needed!

Contact: Aniko Albert | 917-526-3980

Scout Sunday 2017 hymnal
Scout Sunday 2017 cubmaster and scoutmaster speak
Scout Sunday 2017 children sermon with knots
Scout Sunday 2017 procession_edited
Will Green Eagle picture  1.24.2015
Troop 447 3 for 3 Eagle Families  2019.1.5
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