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Become a part of God's mission to save the world. Invite others to our faith in Jesus, grow as a disciple, and serve the community in Christ's name.

Worship Ministry

Worship is basic to our Christian life. We come to worship to offer our love to God.

In the midst of worship, God speaks to us through music, prayer, Scripture, the preached word,

and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. Help the pastor lead worship by reading Scripture

and other readings.  

Contacts: Reading during worship: Julie Burrow | 301-977-7661
Sanctuary preparation: Diana O’Donovan |

Music Ministry

Integral to worship our music ministry includes singing in the choir with opportunities for solos,

instrumentals, and small ensembles as well.

Contact: RUMC Music Director: Daniel Ashton |

Hospitality Ministry

Help welcome guests and members on Sunday morning. Be a part of a team that hosts luncheons for persons

new to the church. Provide goodies and help with coffee hour after 10:30 worship.

Contact Church Office: 301-762-2268

Prayer Chain

Join the prayer chain or start a prayer group

Contact Church Office: | 301-762-2268



Administrative Leadership Ministry

Be trained to be a leader in the administration of the church. If you are interested in serving on church council,

staff/parish relations committee, finance, or trustees, contact the pastor.

Contact: Pastor Jung | 301-762-2288

Caring Ministry

This ministry provides congregational care through care meals and a card ministry. 

Contact: Lorraine Sparrow | 301-963-4755

Thursday Bible Study

This group of women loves the Lord and uses their gifts to serve the mercy and justice concerns of

the United Methodist Church. This group meets at 1:00 pm, online currently: Join here!

View the Current Online Events Listing here!

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