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Upcoming Worship
Summer Worship
Stories of the Early Church
June 3
Peter's Conversion
Acts 10:1-17, 34-35;
Matthew 9: 36-37
June 10
Paul's Mission/ God's Action
Acts 13:1-3; 14:8-18;
Matthew 10:40-42
June 17
Guest Preacher: Rev Joye Jones
Ten Commandments Series
June 24
Nineteen Comes Before Twenty
Exodus 19:1-6; 20:1-2;
Matthew 22:34-40
July 1
Tuned into God
Exodus 20:3-11; Matthew 22:34-40
July 8
Turned Toward Our Neighbors
Exodus 20:12-16; Matthew 22:34-40
July 15
The Desires of the Heart
Exodus 20:17; Matthew 22:34-40
June 22
Vacation Bible School Sunday
Numbers 11:24-30, Acts 2:1-21
Our Sacraments
July 29
Baptism: It's Not the Water
Psalm 46, Acts 2:37-42
August 5
Baptism: At Home with Christ
Psalm 84; Romans 6:1-11
August 12
The Lord's Supper: An Act of Proclamation
Psalm 65; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
August 19
Guest Preacher: Sy Garte
August 26
The Gospel in Song

View the PDF Online HERE!
Thank you, Lord, for always being there and providing for us when we need you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Member News

Second Saturday Dinner
Upcoming June Events
Sunday School Picnic
JUNE 1 | 5-7 pm | Redland Local Park
Pentecost & Confirmation Sunday
JUNE 9 | 8:30 & 10:30 am
Father's Day
JUNE 16 | 8:30 & 10:30 am
June Thrift Shop
JUNE 21 & 22
Please consider working at the sales. It takes many of us to make the Thrift Shop happen and it is a good way to help many people in the sales and later with the funds we make. We need help sorting donations. We usually work 3 to 4 hours at a time as needed, no obligation to come every time, just when you can. Donations may be brought to the church during office hours ( clean and in good repair please). We cannot accept cribs, mattresses, car seats, large furniture, large gym equipment, TVs or computers. Please bring donations SOON, before the week for the sale.
Thrift Shop sign ups: Loretta will be in the Narthex on the following Sunday, after and before services: June 2,9 & 16. Please stop and signup for helping to set up, sales, and clean up. We needs lots of people. Thank you!
See the work schedule here
Contact Loretta Fehr at or 240-475-2787
Connections Lunch
JUNE 30 | 11:45 am
Upcoming July Events
Vacation Bible School
JULY 13 | 9 am- 4 pm
Register here
Trip to Museum of the Bible
JULY 27 | 9 am- 4 pm | $12.99
Mark Your Calendars!
Summer Office Hours
9 am -3 pm
For more information on any of the above events, please reference the Online PDF link/download below
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View the PDF Online HERE!
Thank you, Lord, for always being there and providing for us when we need you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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