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Mission News

Mission News

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Dear Friends,

Two AWARE groups had to cancel. We are proposing two options for coming on an AWARE group this year: One from July 5-13 and the other from Nov. 29-Dec. 7. We hope you will give this careful consideration. If you decide to come, please try to bring a friend (friends).

Why come on an AWARE (Mission work/study) team? We think you will find that the experience may deepen your faith in a new and different way. In part, because you get to know humble people who have a great faith. You will begin to build relationships with the wonderful people who make up GYTTE and with others whose lives have been touched by GYTTE. If you have been here before you will have a chance to deepen relationships. You will learn a lot about GYTTE, Puebla, Mexico and ancient history. You will learn directly about the reasons why people have to migrate to the US. And you will have the chance to meet new people from different churches.

Schedule: On these groups Saturday, Sunday, ½ day Monday and ½ day Friday will be Educational Tourism with four nights at Hotel Gilfer in doubles, next to the Zocalo. Arrival at the Tree of Life farm Monday late afternoon, Tuesday – Rural Day of Work/Learning, Wednesday and Thursday are work days, Thursday night – church, Friday – final reflection and return to Puebla. Monday to Thursday there will be learning opportunities in the little town and at the farm.

Educational Tourism Options: Tlaxcala (Government Palace and Murals, Museum) and Archeological site/Pyramids of Cacaxtla-Xochitecatl (ancient ruins and preserved paintings), Puebla: Zocalo, 500-year old churches, museums (many options), Ruins and Church of San Francisco, Tunnels, Artist and Toad neighborhoods, Cholula Pyramid (largest foundation in the world) and purchase of artisanry. What we do will depend on the composition of each group. For example, on Monday we could visit other ruins as we go to Tlancualpican.

Work options: For those new to GYTTE the first day will be work that allows you to learn about the lives of rural families. Others may begin other work that day and continue Wednesday and Thursday. The July group will likely work on the Tree of Life Farm. The November group will work on a straw-bale home.

AWARE experience cost: $1,300 includes $1,000 for AWARE experience (program, lodging, meals, transportation, entrance fees, interpretation) and $300 contribution for a project like a straw-bale house, with a minimum of 6 people. Please reserve by May 15 for the July group and by August 15 for the November group by making a $300 deposit. Make your check payable to Trucksville UMC and write GYTTE and date of group on the memo line. Please send GYTTE an email stating you have sent your deposit, thanks.

Mail the check to:

Rev. Marian Hartman
SWB District office
40 Knob Hill Road
Trucksville, PA 18708
Tel. 814-441-0235

Airfare to Puebla, or Mexico City and bus to Puebla
is not included, although someone will meet you at
the airport to ride the bus with you to Puebla.
Everyone will need to arrive and depart on days
indicated, although perhaps on different flights. Onceyou commit to AWARE we will send you lots of orientation materials!

When we have a group of at least six, we will have an on-line orientation meeting to answer questions, etc.
Thank you so much for considering an AWARE experience with GYTTE!

In God’s love,
Nan, Miguel, Clara and Ivonne


View the PDF Online HERE!

Thank you, Lord, for always being there and providing for us when we need you.                                                                      In Jesus’ name,                                                         Amen.

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